LISPOLIS is a private non-profit association established in 1991 with the objective of managing the Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa (PTL) and creating conditions for the success of the companies installed there.
It is the preferred location for the installation of technological and innovative companies, it offers rooms for small, medium or large companies (from startup to multinational), as well as Cowork spaces and Virtual Office and Brands services.
LISPOLIS is a contact point always available for companies and supports them in establishing strategic partnerships, in the search for investment solutions (Business Angels and Venture Capital) and financing (Banking, P2020 and H2020).
Strategic areas of action:
- Partnerships / Networks: Increase the collaboration of LISPOLIS with strategic actors such as Universities, Financing Entities and Companies;
- Knowledge: Insert LISPOLIS in the knowledge economy, installing companies that incorporate high knowledge and promoting the transfer of technology from R&D institutions to companies;
- Entrepreneurship: Promote entrepreneurship as a motivation for innovation, competitiveness and growth, supporting the incubation of new companies;
- Investment / Companies: Attract the installation of companies and anchor entities that contribute to the attraction of more companies;
- Internationalization: Promote the international notoriety of LISPOLIS collaborating with reference science and technology parks.
Current challenges for LISPOLIS:
- Streamlining the LISPOLIS Community
- Accelerating the Digital Transformation Process
Modernization of the Technological Forum
Start of the LISPOLIS Gamification Strategy
Expansion of the mobility offer with the installation of LIME hotspots
First Edition of the “E-Commerce Experience” acceleration program
Beginning of the Management of 4 more Business Buildings located on the Lumiar Campus
First Edition of the LISPOLIS Ideas Competition “StartupIN LISPOLIS”
Installation of the European University in Lot 17 of PTL
Celebration of the 25th anniversary of LISPOLIS
Digital statement of LISPOLIS
Definition of LISPOLIS ‘New Strategic Ambition
Acquisition of Edifício Empresarial 12 in Lote 12 of PTL
Start-up of the Edifício Empresarial 24 in Lote 24 of PTL
Obtaining ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Certification Start-up of the Edifício Empresarial 25 in Lote 25 of PTL
Management Contract for the Technological Pole of Lisbon (PTL) with the Institute for Support to Small and Medium Enterprises and Investment (IAPMEI), main holder of PTL
Beginning of the Management of the M8 Business Building, located on the Lumiar Campus
Start-up of the MOBISER Business Building in Lot 6 of the PTL
New Management Contract signed with INETI
Membership of the Portuguese Association of Science and Technology Parks (TECPARQUES)
Start-up of the Edifício Empresarial 17 in Lot 17 of PTL -
Management Contract with the National Institute of Engineering, Technology and Innovation (INETI), currently IAPMEI
PTL Business Buildings 3 and 4 start operating -
Start-up of the Technological Forum and its Auditorium with a capacity for 500 people
Membership of the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)
Reception of the first company at the Incubation and Development Center
Beginning of LISPOLIS activity and construction of the Incubation and Development Center (CID) in Lot 1
Constitution of LISPOLIS – Association for the Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa
Administrative Council:
President – IBEROPARK, represented by Comendador Dr. Jorge Rocha de Matos
Vice-President – CEDINTEC, represented by Dr. António Henrique Gomes Almeida
Vice-President – CM LISBOA, represented by Dr. Nuno Caleia Rodrigues
Vogal – IAPMEI, represented by Dr. António José Cardoso Pereira (Deputy Administrator)
Vogal – IST, represented by Prof. Luís Miguel Veiga Vaz Caldas e Oliveira
Fiscal Council:
President – Maximiano Martins
Vogal – Sónia Pinheiro
ROC – BDO & Associados, SROC, Lda., represented by Rui Carlos Lourenço Helena
Board of the General Meeting:
President – IAPMEI, represented by Dr. Francisco José da Fonseca Nunes e Sá
Secretary – Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, represented by Dr. Diogo Moura
Secretary – FCUL, represented by Prof. Jorge Maia Alves

António Cardoso Pereira

Pedro Rebordão

Júlia Preta

Fidélis Furtado

David Rodrigues

Miguel Diamantino

Paulo Oliveira

Vítor Patrício

Helena Silva

Maria José Rodrigues

Anabela Gameiro

Ália Sardo Paisana

Sandra Caramelo
Estrada do Paço do Lumiar 44
1600-546 Lisboa