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“University-Industry: Interaction in Built Environment Development”

    Entidade:  3DModelling
The Faculty of Architecture will receive the "University-Industry: Interaction in Built Environment Development" symposium on May 15 at 9am. The session will take place in room 4.0.23 and will be attended by Kalle Tammi and Ilkka Tasanen (Tampere University of Applied Sciences), and Pedro Rebordão, Director of Promotion and Innovation of LISPOLIS.


Participation is open to all interested and free.


About the symposium:

Working for a more innovative, entrepreneurial and inclusive society requires better interaction between universities and business. During this event, we will explore the challenges and opportunities of these interactions in the disciplines related to the built environment.


Check out the full program:

9.00 Reception

9.15 Presentation from Dr. Luis Mateus, coordin. Technology Transfer Faculty of Architecture

9.35 3D Presentation from SMohC - 3D Modeling Studio, Dr. Jorge Garcia, MSCA Fellow (The heritage conservation project and its transition to the industry environment)

09.50 Presentation from Design Faculty of Architecture, Dr. André Castro (Design driven innovation)

10.10 Presentation from Faculty of Architecture, Dr. Ana Cristina Dias (Linking Academy and Society in Design)

10.30 Presentation from Ilkaa Tasanen, TAMK (Landsurveying examples of cooperation between students and companies in Tampere University of Applied Sciences)

10.50h Coffee Break

11.20 Presentation from LISPOLIS, Pedro Rebordão, Director of Promotion and Innovation of the Technological Pole of Lisbon

11.40 Presentation from Kalle Tami, TAMK (A recipe of university-industry interaction: Experiences on the field of 3D Reality Capture)

12.00 Presentation from a Technology Company in Architecture, Pedro Almeida, IKI Cool, (Putting buildings to talk to people with visual impairment? - An architect in the world of technology)

12.20 Presentation from a VR Company, Anesio Neto, 3e60, (How Proptechs are affecting the Real Estate Industry with immersive technology)

12.40 Final Remarks
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