At this stage, the list of accredited incubators was made available to the grantees with which they should articulate the choice of Mentors who will follow the selected projects.
About Startup Voucher
The StartUP Voucher is one of the measures of StartUP Portugal - National Strategy for Entrepreneurship, which stimulates the development of entrepreneurial projects that are at an idea stage, promoted by young people between the ages of 18 and 35, through various Support provided over a period of up to 12 months of business project preparation. This competition is intended for projects that benefit NUTS II less developed regions: North, Center and Alentejo. It will soon open a new competition for projects with an impact in the Lisbon region.
Typologies of support of the StartUP Voucher:
- Grant - monthly value attributed by promoter for the development of the business project;
- Mentoring - access to a network of mentors who provide guidance to promoters;
- Technical assistance - provision of technical assistance for the development of the business project;
- Award of concretion - award of a prize to the accomplishment of the business project and the constitution of the company.