PRIO has already opened the application phase for the 4th edition of Jump Start, the international entrepreneurship program aimed at startups with the best products and services in the areas of new mobility solutions, digital transformation and energy transition. Entries can be made at until April 30th.
In the last few weeks, PRIO has joined forces to respond to the challenges that COVID 19 has launched in the country, at this complex and difficult time for everyone. Along with other initiatives, and in order to face uncertainty, PRIO stresses the importance of maintaining innovation as an engine of transformation and crisis resolution.
Thus, at the end of the application period, 20 pre-finalists will be chosen who will have the opportunity to enter the bootcamp, which will take place on June 17 and 18, from which only 10 startups will leave with a guaranteed place at the end of July 3.
As in previous editions, the 3 winners will have the opportunity to test their products or services in a real environment within PRIO, with all the necessary monitoring, establishing a business relationship and partnership with the company.
The 3 winning startups receive € 10,000 to develop their project and will have the opportunity, together with PRIO, to implement their pilot projects. The top 5 in this edition will also be entitled to prizes that can guarantee an ALPHA stand at the Web Summit or € 2,500 to publicize your startup.
Jump Start is an initiative organized by imatch with the support of Innoenergy, Portugal Ventures, Inova Ria and the Municipality of Ílhavo.
At the same time, and integrated into its annual innovation program, PRIO also launched the 3rd edition of its internal innovation program, Top Ideias 2020, through which it is intended to foster a culture of innovation and maintain a spirit of irreverence. In addition to being invited to present solutions to transform and improve PRIO, employees will be able to respond to the challenge of developing new mechanisms for areas such as Telework and Safety and Hygiene at the PRIO headquarters and Biodiesel Plant, which are so important at the moment.
PRIO is the largest producer of biofuels in Portugal and the third largest European producer of biodiesel from waste raw materials. To ensure the disposal of these biofuels, it operates and supplies a network of more than 250 service stations from North to South of Portugal, in which it offers, in addition to conventional liquid fuels, charging for electric vehicles and gas vehicles (GPL Auto).
To ensure its competitiveness in liquid fuels and LPG, PRIO operates an independent primary storage and logistics terminal in Aveiro, through which it can supply itself in the international market. To ensure the supply of its biodiesel factory in the national market, PRIO coordinates the collection of used cooking oils and other residual raw materials at more than 600 collection points in Portugal.
It has 100% Portuguese capital and is a company with triple QSA certification (Quality, Safety and Environment) simultaneously for the biodiesel plant and the tank park.
To learn more, see the website and the new PRIO.GO app.
Imatch is an innovation collective that works with a transformative purpose centered on the human side and on creative collaboration to help people and organizations to find and implement new answers to the new challenges of a new world.