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  • If possible, choose remote work
  • Maintain personal hygiene care
  • Be extra careful with older people
  • Avoid public places, crowds and closed rooms

Since the situation requires companies to adapt, we would like to know if:

  • Did you already had the opportunity to read the LISPOLIS Contingency Plan (aqui)
  • Has your company already created a Contingency Plan
  • Your company equates / is already promoting remote work

We remind you that the primary contact for support on Coronavirus is the number SNS24: 808 24 24 24 

Circular 4 Good

BGI will develop the “Circular 4 Good (C4G)” Program, funded by the Environmental Fund of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition, through the “Circular – Startups” line.



The program was designed by BGI to make the most of SMEs and Startups with projects in the circular economy areas, promoting the development and maturation of the participating companies’ business and operational models, in order to exploit the potential of the various circular economy strategies.


In this program, 25 selected SMEs and startups will participate in training sessions that aim to provide technical information and know-how in Circular Economy matters, including success stories, as well on market and investment themes


Following the training in Portugal, 10 companies will be selected to participate in a week of immersion in the largest US green tech incubator: Green Town Labs a community of scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs.


The proposed actions will induce a new business thinking: the possibility of achieving economic profitability and reducing environmental impacts through circularity strategies eg resource optimization, through the interaction between the participants and national and international entrepreneurs / investors who apply principles of circular economy in their companies / businesses.


Apply until October 4th here.

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